One of the most common beauty problems women face these days is black circles under their eyes. There are many reasons which can lead to de...
One of the most common beauty problems women face these days is black circles under their eyes. There are many reasons which can lead to develop those disturbing under-eye bags or black spot. Some researches dedicated that tiredness is the main cause, others blame genetics.
Read also ►►► 9 Ways to Naturally Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
Most people look recklessly for solution in the harmful chemical cosmetic products, which can cure the problem or hide it for a moment, but will never treat the root of the problem. That is why we are going to show you a natural recipe that will help you get rid of this forever.Ingredients and preparation method
- Add a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of sizzling water or chamomile tea and blend.
- Soak two cotton pads in this mixture and position them under your eyes.
- Leave them on for about 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse your face and apply a moisturizer (preferably a natural one)
Source: here
This very easy recipe will give you a better result that any diet or training program you tried before! In few days you will be able to lose about 7cm of weight from your waste. This is not a magical formula which you keep seeing in the media over and over. It is supported by many researches from top universities in the world.
In addition, this diet is very good for detox and eliminating body fat. The ingredients are very rich in vitamins, fibers and many other beneficial nutrients.
- 3 Lemons
- 3 table spoons of Honey
- 150 grams of Horseradish
First, peel the Horseradish and finely grind and mix well in a blender with lemon peel and all. Finally, add three tablespoons of honey, mix and the whole is placed in the refrigerator, and leave it for 24 hours.
Take 2 tablespoons a day. One after breakfast, the second after lunch.
The recipe is recommended to be taken for 7 days for great results. It will not only help you lose weight from the abdominal area but also helps treating cardiovascular conditions.
Source: here This very easy recipe will give you a better result that any diet or training program you tried before! In few days y...
The Lifestyle
Though I slimmed down to 170 pounds in high school, I was always overweight as a kid. After graduation, I went to school to be a pastry chef. When I got to college, I put on 20 pounds over four years. After graduating, I scored my dream job, but lost that position shortly after. When I was let go, I went through a bit of a depression and ate comfort food like grilled cheese and sugary treats to forget about how sad I was. Brownie fudge sundaes were my go-to.The Change
In 2011, I decided to weigh myself. The last time I'd stepped on the scale was before losing my job. When I saw that I'd gained 15 pounds, I felt really defeated. Something clicked in my head, and I knew that I had to do something right then.Not long after that, I joined a local gym and started running intervals on the treadmill. I began to see results but not what I was expecting. It is too difficult for me to keep up with the gym and house work every week. Therefore, I decided to look for other ways to lose weight more effectively, when I came across this amazing diet plan:
The rewards were amazing. In only 4 weeks I was able lose 40 pounds of weight. Which was so emotional for me. I couldn't believe what I saw in the scale that day. Today I can wear all the clothes I want without being ashamed of the extra weight on my waist.
The Lifestyle Though I slimmed down to 170 pounds in high school, I was always overweight as a kid. After graduation, I went to school...
Losing weight is easier when we have the proper knowledge. Yet most women make various mistakes during their journey to cut the extra fats. Today in this article we have decided to talk to you about the most 5 common things which people may be doing wrong.
If you are one of those who suffer from belly fat, check out this diet which is proven to be so effective for melting the extra-fat:
1- Using Diet Soda To Lose Weight
Thinking that Diet Soda is healthier and will help you lose weight is absolutely wrong ! a new study shows that overweight and obese dieters who went for diet beverages ended up consuming the same amount of daily calories as full-sugar drinkers anyway. When you drink a sugary beverage, your liver get a sugar rush, and it finds no other option but to transform the extra sugar intake to fats.2- Cardio is Your Main Training
Activity Most people think that they have to do only cardio to cut weight, and this is incorrect, because when you spend time in the gym, the baseline amount of calories you burn each day will be increased, which will help you lose weight faster.3- You don’t eat before training
Not eating before starting your workout routine is a big mistake, because if you don’t do so, you will not have the amount of energy that will help your body move properly, in order to burn more calories.4- Using Only Light Weight
Even if you spend time in the gym, you are maybe not picking the right weight to burn fats properly, using heavy weight for fewer reps can burn more fat than using lighter weights for more reps.5- Your Breakfast is not Healthy enough
If you think that you can lose weight by not giving much importance to your breakfast, you are absolutely wrong. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Running out each morning without the proper nutrients will only worsen your situation, because a recent study showed, A protein-filled breakfast could help curb your cravings later in the day.Losing weight is easier when we have the proper knowledge. Yet most women make various mistakes during their journey to cut the extra fa...
Belly fat is known for its way of messing up with any new dress you want to try, yet you have more serious problems than that to worry about. The extra pounds around your stomach is a sign of significant health condition. We are talking here about increased risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
With this being said, you have to know that being overweight doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy. The fat under the skin is actually not a big problem. It is the belly fat that has to be dealt with, and especially if the individual is not very heavy and has excessive fat around the waistline.
If you are one of those who suffer from belly fat, carry on reading to discover this easy tips and tricks to get rid of that extra weight around your stomach.
1. Walk before breakfast
Walking will improve your overall health and specifically your metabolism. By walking everyday for few minutes before breakfast you increase tremendously your chances of melting the extrafat around your belly.
Zero Belly Diet panelist Martha Chesler did just this as part of her Zero Belly program, and the results were astonishing. “I saw changes immediately,” she reports. In less than six weeks on the program, Martha dropped over 20 pounds and an astonishing 7 inches from her middle by combining the Zero Belly Foods with a pre-breakfast walk.
2. Make your sugar consumption very low
The best way to do so is by replacing your daily unhealthy sugar by cinnamon or honey. they both can help stabilize blood sugar. Cinamon also slows the rate at which food exits the stomach, which helps you feel fuller longer. So the next time you feel the need to grave some sweet food, just grab a small spoon of honey and put to your coffee, milk, tea...3. Eat more protein
Protein is a very important ingredient for a health lifestyle. But what if I tell you that protein will help you get slimmer?
"Your body starts to produce more insulin as you age, since your muscle and fat cells aren't responding to it properly," explains Louis Aronne, MD, Director of the Obesity Clinic at Cornell.Insulin is responsible for fat storage, especially around your belly. Therefore, a diet high in protein will protect you against insulin. A recent study, women who folowed a diet for eight weeks that was 30% protein, 40% carbs and 30% fat could lose significantly more fat than women who were on a normal diet with less amount of protein.
4. Add healthy faty acids to your diet
Yup, you heard me! It takes fat to burn fat. Like I said above, it’s sugar that gets you fat, not fat. Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day.5. Consumes Food with fibers
As in, make sure you're eating a lot of it. In a 2011 trial, subjects who increased their soluble fiber intake by 10 grams a day (the equivalent of two small apples, one cup of green peas, and one half cup of pinto beans) reduced visceral fat by 3.7% after five years.Belly fat is known for its way of messing up with any new dress you want to try, yet you have more serious problems than that to worry ...
A new fat melting method is all over the media these days. This technique has been used and studied in many countries in the world. The researches dedicated that it is very effective for helping you burn fat and slim your waist at an accelerated rate.
In deed, one specific study showed that the individuals who used this belly-burning technique could burn 500% more fat than the normal.
You may say that this is not enough for the media to go crazy about this. So here is why CNN and the entire media went bonkers...
A 45 years old women, who was out of shape; had a sudden heart attack. She got the attention of journalist because she lost almost 20% of her body fat in just few weeks which could save her life, and this without even stepping foot in the gym, using this little known technique.
Would you like to burn 500% more fat by using this quick, belly-busting tweak just twice daily? I'll show you exactly how to do it here:
A new fat melting method is all over the media these days. This technique has been used and studied in many countries in the world. The ...