
This How I lost 85 Pounds and Gained confidence Again

By 4:11 PM , , , , , , ,

The Lifestyle 

Though I slimmed down to 170 pounds in high school, I was always overweight as a kid. After graduation, I went to school to be a pastry chef. When I got to college, I put on 20 pounds over four years. After graduating, I scored my dream job, but lost that position shortly after. When I was let go, I went through a bit of a depression and ate comfort food like grilled cheese and sugary treats to forget about how sad I was. Brownie fudge sundaes were my go-to.

The Change 

In 2011, I decided to weigh myself. The last time I'd stepped on the scale was before losing my job. When I saw that I'd gained 15 pounds, I felt really defeated. Something clicked in my head, and I knew that I had to do something right then. 

Not long after that, I joined a local gym and started running intervals on the treadmill. I began to see results but not what I was expecting. It is too difficult for me to keep up with the gym and house work every week. Therefore, I decided to look for other ways to lose weight more effectively, when I came across this amazing diet plan:

The rewards were amazing. In only 4 weeks I was able lose 40 pounds of weight. Which was so emotional for me. I couldn't believe what I saw in the scale that day. Today I can wear all the clothes I want without being ashamed of the extra weight on my waist.

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