
How to get rid of under-eyes dark circles and bags using baking soda

By 2:46 PM , , ,

One of the most common beauty problems women face these days is black circles under their eyes. There are many reasons which can lead to develop those disturbing under-eye bags or black spot. Some researches dedicated that tiredness is the main cause, others blame genetics.

Read also ►►► 9 Ways to Naturally Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Most people look recklessly for solution in the harmful chemical cosmetic products, which can cure the problem or hide it for a moment, but will never treat the root of the problem. That is why we are going to show you a natural recipe that will help you get rid of this forever.

Ingredients and preparation method

  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of sizzling water or chamomile tea and blend. 
  • Soak two cotton pads in this mixture and position them under your eyes.
  • Leave them on for about 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse your face and apply a moisturizer (preferably a natural one)

Repeat the processes everyday for 2 weeks. Results will start probably appearing right after the first week. Once the black circles and bags have disappeared, only repeat when you start noticing a comeback.

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  1. They mean sparkling or carbonated water

  2. Que maravilla la mezcla mejora hasta los parpados caídos. cuek! que falsa la foto.

    1. eso mismo pienso yo! Ella paso esos parpados por el bisturi definitivamente

  3. Looks like a complete surgical eyesight to me.

  4. Thanks auto correct, I mean eye lift!

  5. Anyone tried this and got result

  6. Chemical based products helps in disposing of them, yet then there are numerous who have a greatly touchy skin and just unadulterated home cures can help them. We list down some simple and feasible Eye Bags Home Remedies which will help you to dispose get rid of dark circles.

  7. I agree. The picture is definitely before and after an eye lift surgery. Hooded eyelids don't go away too with just baking soda.

  8. Ice Pack, Potatoes, Aloe Vera and Tomato Juice are some effective aliments which play very important role in Eye Bags Herbal Treatment and recovery. These herbal ingredients use in any kind of herbal medicine which works properly without any side effects.
